Serious Mischief is a collaboration between Avery Barrett and Carter Lavin which explores the overlaps between board games, narrative, advocacy & civics education, and social change. Sign up here for updates and alerts about the upcoming release of our debut game, Beyond the Ballot!

You ever want to change the world? You ever see someone else try to change the world, and wish you could make them knock it off?

That’s the heart of politics.

Beyond the Ballot takes you right into the thick of that experiencethe battle that happens when the elections are over and it’s time to get things done. Coordinate four forms of movement power to achieve your aim: Legitimacy, Money, Supporters, and Volunteers. 

You’ll build your power and use it to gain Favor with the Decision-Maker who has final say over your issue. But watch out, politics is “war by other means” so be ready to handle whatever your opponent throws your way!

By playing cards and using basic moves, you’ll impact the balance of different kinds of power and compete to win the favor of the Decision-Maker.

But what struggle will that be? What community will you be organizing to win your goal? Beyond the Ballot lets you decide. The game’s unique set up allows you to pick the issue you want to fight about and the tone of your game. Want Universal Basic Ice Cream for your city? Ban cars in your county? Finally reunite the Dakotas? In Beyond the Ballot you can!